Phytospecific Cap'n Energy Multivitamin -- 0 out 5 stars

I can't say enough about how much I effing HATE this product.

I didn't even finish a week's worth and that ish has effed up my body something fierce! Good thing I got it as a free sample, because it retails @ 55$ and if I had paid green dollars for that I might have flown to France and looked up the headquarters just to tell someone the hell off face to face.

1) It broke me out. Bad. I was doing honey on my face nightly and getting great results at first, and then all of a sudden there was a constellation of zits on my friggin face! I would not have figured it out, but I read on curlynikki blog that new multi-vitamins can break some women out. I decided to look up the ingredients of cap'n energy because the other multi I was taking was One-a-day women's, and I knew that was innocuous enough not to be causing it. It was the cap'n energy! It has fish gelatin! I am deathly allergic to fish!

1) It gave me a raging yeast infection. There is no delicate way to say this or to describe the between-my-legs bakery that opened about 3 days into taking this one a day pill. I had no idea what the hell was going on. I am highly susceptible to yeast infections from high dosage antibiotics, but never get them otherwise. I combat this by eating one light yogurt a day while taking antibiotics and I'm set. This time, however, I didn't suspect at first that it was the cap'n energy because I was taking it with another vitamin and trying out some natural face mask recipes. I started eating yogurt immediately, and when the infection only got worse, I started applying plain yogurt directly. I was saving the monistat for a last resort. The direct application took a day or so to work, but work it did. However, it was like the yeast was fighting back! I couldn't believe it, and I was really frickin tired of the discomfort, so upset that I stopped my morning routine. Luckily, that also meant stopping the vitamin. The infection got better so quickly I couldn't believe it. Around that time I looked up the ingredients to cap'n energy and found that in addition to noxious fish, it also has active YEAST cultures! Just to test, I took another one after 4 days off, and the yeast infection actually came back. Unbelievable!

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