Organic Yogurt, Oatmeal & Honey Face Mask -- 5 out of 5

I tried this after starting a routine of applying a coat of honey to my freshly washed face for 10 minutes before bed each night. Just honey alone was a 5 out of 5, but the additional ingredients had such great results that I thought I would share. I learned it from a youtube tutorial -- thanx bubzbeauty!


- 2 tbsp honey
- 3 tbsp Bio yogurt
- 1 fistful oatmeal (I used Quaker Rolled Oats)
Mix into a bowl -- consistency should be a lumpy pulp. Paint on face and scrub around to allow oatmeal to exfoliate. Leave on face 10 minutes. I lay down on a towel for this one, people.

Voila, instantly moisturized, exfoliated, pore-refined, glowing skin!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

bio yogurt is not available in australia is it ?
i cannot find it anywhere !
is there an alternative for the yogurt ?

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